
How To Make A Window Sill

In a renovation where nosotros were replacing windows, we decided to footstep up the finish detail by calculation window sills.   We built a new fireplace mantel and so we wanted something that would complement that graphic symbol.  We were replacing the existing windows so this was a skillful fourth dimension to redo the window trim particular.

Window trim before window sills
Window trim before window sills

The get-go thing to exercise is to check that there's enough room in the wall framing to allow a larger board to be installed at the base of operations of the window.   The wood on the inside of a window frame is called the window jamb.  This woods is usually 3/four inch thick.  The new window sill is 1 1/four inches thick then there needs to be a 1/2 inch more than space below the window jamb.

The material for this projection includes:
– 3/4 inch pino for side and summit window jams
– one ane/4 inch poplar for window sills
– window trim for the top and sides
– a second way of window trim or baseboard for the apron below the window sill

After the new windows were installed and the spray foam insulation was cut back, nosotros can start to mensurate out the window sill board.  Cut it longer than you need so information technology tin can be trimmed later on to final length.   The full length volition extend approximately iii/4 of an inch beyond the width of the window trim in one case it's installed.

Find the center of the window and the center of the window sill lath and line them upwardly.  The showtime cuts will be to remove wood to allow the window sill to fit into the opening and touch on the new window.  Marker the sides of the wall studs where you will cut the board.   Measure the distance from the window to the front edge of the drywall in several spots.   Using the shortest measurement, subtract 1/2 inch and use this measurement for what to cut off of the window sill to create horns – the pieces that extend beyond the window opening, every bit shown in the video.

How to Build a Window SillAfter you cut out the window sill, fit it in place and you lot will see there's a gap between the window sill and the window. That'due south intentional to let for scribing the horns to the wall.   Line up the window sill so in that location's exactly the same size gap at either terminate between the window sill and the window.  Using a compass and a sharp pencil, set the distance to friction match the gap.  Run the compass forth the wall with the pencil cartoon a line on the window sill horns to get your last cutting line.   Once you trim the horns, you should have a nice fit at the window and the walls.

Level up the widow sill into position to measure and cut the window jamb parts.   Assemble the window jamb and temporarily secure it to the window sill with screws, driven in from the bottom of the window sill.  With this assembled and gear up in the window opening, you can determine where to cutting off the window sill horns.

Agree a piece of window trim in place and mark the outside edge and the front face.  You can now decide how much overhang you lot want on the horns across the outside edge of the trim and the front end edge of the window sill.

After cutting the window sill to size, the terminal step is to shape the border profile. In the video, this was washed with a router and a table saw using an advanced technique.   Y'all can buy a router bit to create a like profile.

Window after sill installedAdding an apron below the window sill does two things.  Information technology covers the gap between the sill and the drywall.  It also visually balances out the await of the window trim.   Find a nice profile from a slice of window trim or baseboard.  The frock should line up to the exterior border of the window trim Above the window sill.

The apron looks best if the ends are not merely cut square, but mitered with a return.  In the video you volition see how to cut, gum, trim, and install the apron.

We hope yous notice this helpful for your dwelling comeback projection.  If you have questions, we're happy to answer them.  Just mail service a annotate on the YouTube video.


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