
How Do I Get The Kindle App On My Nook?

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Barnes & Noble Nook discussion

Comments Showing 1-50 of 59 (59 new) post a comment »

Vampsessed | 11 comments Amazon always seems to have cheaper ebooks, but I already bought the Nook Color...does anyone know how I can convert their books into epub format? Is it possible?

message 2: by Shola (new)

Shola (sholafavor) | 18 comments Oh oh. dont think nook supports amazon. i was trying to get an audiobook sponsered by amazon, it clearly states in their agreement that they do not support nook.....May be it changed now, keep us posted

message 3: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod

Rebekah Crain | 88 comments I was also going to suggest Calibre. It is a great program.

Christopher Conn (cmconn) | 134 comments I don't have a kindle (wouldn't buy one because I'm buying a nook tablet) but I read kindle books on the kindle PC app:

It's nice, and good for picking up some of those cheap books. I've used nook for PC for years, finally ready to get a real one.

message 6: by Lacie (new)

Lacie (Darkangel78) (darkangel78) I would also say Calibre if they are DRM free otherwise you would have to root the NC and download the Kindle app.

SassySami | 22 comments Even if they have DRM you can use Calibre. Buy the book, open Kindle for PC, open the Kindle drive (in Vista it's Owner/Documents/My Kindle Content, then drag the .azw files into Calibre. From there you just add them to your Nook.

message 8: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod

AmyK (yakyma) willaful wrote: "The Nook can't read .azw files."

Calibre can convert them to Epub.....or just about anything else for that matter.

message 10: by AmyK (new)

AmyK (yakyma) SassySami wrote: "Even if they have DRM you can use Calibre. Buy the book, open Kindle for PC, open the Kindle drive (in Vista it's Owner/Documents/My Kindle Content, then drag the .azw files into Calibre. From th..."

this is true, i do it all the time with the books i bought through my amazon account.

message 11: by Susie (new)

Susie | 11 comments when i try it, calibre says "this book is locked by DRM"

Vashti  (trashytoclassy) | 2 comments Where can i download calibre?

Sandra  (sleo) Regina wrote: "Where can i download calibre?"

Google it and it takes you to the download page.

message 14: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (last edited Mar 07, 2012 09:22AM) (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod
Amy wrote: "willaful wrote: "The Nook can't read .azw files."

Calibre can convert them to Epub.....or just about anything else for that matter."

This was been covered earlier in the thread. Calibre can convert them if they don't have DRM. Calibre can't even display them for you in their online reader if they have DRM.

message 15: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod
Amy wrote: "this is true, i do it all the time with the books i bought through my amazon account. "

When you say "this is true", do you mean it's true that you're sending .amz files to your Nook and it's reading them? Or do you mean you're importing them into Calibre, stripping the DRM, converting them to epub and then sending them? Because there's a significant difference.

message 16: by AmyK (new)

AmyK (yakyma) I do what sassysami wrote.....import them into calibre from Kindle for pc and convert them to epub.

message 17: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (last edited Mar 07, 2012 10:51AM) (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod
That's not what sassysami wrote -- the conversion process was left out.

How many books have you done this with? I can see a few being DRM-free to begin with, but if you're doing this with a large number of books, the odds are high that the DRM is being stripped at some point in the process.

message 18: by AmyK (new)

AmyK (yakyma) I've only converted a dozen of so that i hadn't read...maybe they were DRM free...

SassySami | 22 comments willaful wrote: "That's not what sassysami wrote -- the conversion process was left out.

How many books have you done this with? I can see a few being DRM-free to begin with, but if you're doing this with a large..."

Sorry; it happens automatically once you add to your Nook, or you can select Convert and do it yourself. And come to think of it, I don't actually buy books from Amazon; I only get the freebies, so they might not be DRM protected.

message 20: by Erica (new)

Erica | 2 comments I downloaded 6 FREE books from Amazon this week. Put them into Calibre to convert them to my Nook. 3 of them converted just fine and work great on my Nook. 3 of them told me they were DRM protected and wouldn't convert. So you have a 50/50 chance on getting a book that's DRM free whether it's bought or a freebie.

message 21: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod
I think the odds of having DRM are probably much higher on books you actually buy. Especially since a lot of Amazon freebies are self-published and it costs to put DRM on a book.

There is a way to spot some DRM-free books by looking at the book rights on Amazon, but I don't know if it always works.

★Meghan★ (starinheaven) | 340 comments If you have the Calibre program, you can download these tools to take off the DRM. I use it mostly for my own books that I have an to let my mom read a book I have or something of that sort. Plus I want to read my Kindle books on my Nook so I use it for that too.

TJ (coachtim30) | 6 comments Erica wrote: "I downloaded 6 FREE books from Amazon this week. Put them into Calibre to convert them to my Nook. 3 of them converted just fine and work great on my Nook. 3 of them told me they were DRM protected..."

I downloaded Calibre and am trying to get a free Kindle book off of my Amazon "cloud" and over to Calibre. How is that process done?

message 24: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod

message 25: by Erica (new)

Erica | 2 comments TJ, open the Kindle for PC app and download the book to your computer. Then open Calibre and click on the add to library button. Tell it to go to you Kindle directory on your computer, then choose your book.

TJ (coachtim30) | 6 comments Thanks, Erica!

message 27: by Diane (new)

Diane (dyniy) | 9 comments Nicole wrote: "I got my daughter a n2a (nook to android) card for her nook tablet. She can read the amazon books on it when it's on as a tablet on the kindle app. If you're interested, google "n2a cards." They

Nicole, where did you get the n2a card?

message 29: by Robyn (new)

Robyn Bruce | 1 comments You don't have to fool around converting anything. On your Nook, go to the white Google shopping bag and open. Play/Store. Go to Apps inside the shopping bag. Then do a search for "Kindle". It will come up and the Kindle is a free download. Now you have the Kindle application on your Nook. From that Kindle application, you can download any kindle books you have previously bought for free and you can download new Kindle books onto your Nook. I just did it today and it works well. Hope this helps!

message 30: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod
Robyn wrote: "You don't have to fool around converting anything. On your Nook, go to the white Google shopping bag and open. Play/Store. Go to Apps inside the shopping bag. Then do a search for "Kindle". It wi..."

That's only for Nook tablets though, not the ereaders.

message 31: by Jean (new)

Jean French (jfrench55) | 82 comments If the book isn't DRM protected, than you can use a program called Calibre at It's free but if you like it, you should send a donation. I think it's the best program for ereaders.

There are programs out on the internet that will remove the DRM but they are ILLEGAL in the US.

Amazon & B&N want you to buy from them so they only offer their books for their ereader's format. I think that is shortsighted on their part. I have a tablet & a Simple Touch so I buy my books from the cheapest vendor.

So, I Read This Book Today (leiahingolden) | 65 comments Jean wrote: "If the book isn't DRM protected, than you can use a program called Calibre at It's free but if you like it, you should send a donation. I think it's the best program for ..."

Calibre is WELL worth the investment! I use it all the time, especially moving books from one device to another (Kindle, Nook, laptop, desktop). It also gives you nice big photos of the covers, and shows a check mark for anything you have already downloaded. It is really nice to have one spot where everything is located, no matter where you downloaded it from. You can save to multiple disks by choosing which device you want to download to. You can even connect to iTunes (you can check and see but I believe that means you can drop books to your phone - I don't need a cell so I can't be sure) and you can even e-mail DRM free books to your friends.

It will automatically reformat for what you need for each device (.epub, .mobi, etc.) Overall? Send these wonderful people some money when you download . . . they have created a wonderful program that works!

message 33: by Karen (new)

Karen (2noelle) For Nook owners, you can legally read your Kindle/Amazon books on your Nook, if you have the HD/HD+ model. All you have to do is download the Kindle app from the Google Play store, log in with your account information and there you go! Of course, you can't manage your books, Amazon content doesn't show up on the home page, you can't archive/unarchive, etc, like you do with your B&N content, but you can read them on the same device.

As for caliber, it is a good program for organizing your ebook content. To my knowledge you can't strip DRM from books using that program.

So, I Read This Book Today (leiahingolden) | 65 comments I have never tried that stripping of DRM thing. I have an old, beat up Kindle that I use for books that are DRM and my new HD+ model is the BOMB!!!

message 35: by Thera (new)

Thera Lewis (thera1) | 124 comments You can strip DRM using calibre, if you know how to tweek it.
However, it is frowned upon and is potentially illegal, so it can't be shared.
But yes, it is possible.

So, I Read This Book Today (leiahingolden) | 65 comments That whole "illegal" thing really keeps me from even thinking about it!

Stephanie (shallen0116) I use the kindle app on my nook hd+... Works great!

So, I Read This Book Today (leiahingolden) | 65 comments It does, doesn't it Stephanie! I love it. And I LOVE the size of the screen on the hd+. It is a lot easier to read than the Kindle, and it is lighter, even though it is bigger. Way cool.

Kaf | 1 comments Stephanie wrote: "I use the kindle app on my nook hd+... Works great!"

How did you get a kindle app? I searched nook App Store and cannot find one. Thanks

message 40: by willaful, dedicated nookworm (new)

willaful | 414 comments Mod
Karen wrote: "To my knowledge you can't strip DRM from books using that program. "

It's done with plug-ins from outside developers.

message 41: by Donna (new)

Donna | 126 comments I just got an answer from Amazon as of now there is no way to load a kindle book on other devices. That's one way to sell there kindle. I have a nook sense they first cams out. I'm perfectly happy with my nook. I do have kindle on my IPad.

Missyb | 221 comments download the amazon app onto your Nook from the google store, then you can get books from amazon. I think you have to have the wi-fi on your Nook On in order to read them. I have the app (it's free) on my android phone and my nook. I've only gotten the books from amazon while on the computer, but they show up on my phone and nook in the app fairly quickly.

Missyb | 221 comments Kaf wrote: "Stephanie wrote: "I use the kindle app on my nook hd+... Works great!"

How did you get a kindle app? I searched nook App Store and cannot find one. Thanks"

try the google store app, that's where I found it and downloaded it from, for free. The google store app looks like a white gift bag with that bluish green & orange & yellow triangle on it. The kindle app is what I downloaded onto my phone & nook to read amazon books from. It looks like a person sitting under a tree reading with the word kindle across the top.

message 44: by Karen (new)

Karen (2noelle) Missyb wrote: "download the amazon app onto your Nook from the google store, then you can get books from amazon. I think you have to have the wi-fi on your Nook On in order to read them. I have the app (it's free..."

Once you've downloaded a book from the cloud, just like on nook, you can read the book in the Kindle app; just tried it on my ipad.

message 45: by Kara (new)

Kara It's in the google play store I think.

message 46: by Donna (new)

Donna | 126 comments Just got done talking with AMAZON. There is NO app to load there books on NOOK.

message 47: by Donna (new)

Donna | 126 comments NOOK. hD only

message 48: by Karen (new)

Karen (2noelle) I guess it's a matter of semantics. You can get the Kindle app on a nook hd/hd+ and read your amazon books on the nook device through the app. You cannot manage any of the Kindle content outside the app.

I have a lot of ebooks from Amazon, mostly free, that I read on my Nook HD+.

So, I Read This Book Today (leiahingolden) | 65 comments Donna wrote: "I just got an answer from Amazon as of now there is no way to load a kindle book on other devices. That's one way to sell there kindle. I have a nook sense they first cams out. I'm perfectly hap..."

Of course they would say that ---- they want to sell Kindles!~

So, I Read This Book Today (leiahingolden) | 65 comments Donna wrote: "Just got done talking with AMAZON. There is NO app to load there books on NOOK."

Beep! Wrong . . . I use the app myself, and it is WONDERFUL!

It is an Android App.

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How Do I Get The Kindle App On My Nook?


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